Trickster is an old game with sound effects that some people are not necessarily fans of. In LifeTO, we’ve introduced a system that lets you override sound files that persist through different patches.

The system simply checks for the existence of files in a folder named overrides\sound and/or overrides\music, depending on where the original sound file is.

Example Usage

To use this system to override the UI click sound:

  1. Open the folder that the game client is located in.
  2. Find the original sound file, which would be data\sound\ui_click.wav. This may not be completely obvious for skills, but feel free to ask in the Discord server about the location of sound files.
  3. Create a new folder called overrides, if it does not already exist.
  4. Create a folder inside overrides called sound.
  1. Put your replacement sound in the sound folder, named as the original file’s name (ui_click.wav).
  2. Restart your game client, if you already have it open.


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This needs more content written for it. If you would like to contribute to this page, please write in our Discord server or message Ray about contributing!

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Sound File Table


This page/section is a work-in-progress!

This needs more content written for it. If you would like to contribute to this page, please write in our Discord server or message Ray about contributing!

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